Harry Potter Spells

This post includes all Harry Potter Spells and are available as a downloadable content.
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1.       Accio - A summoning charm that sends any object directly to the spell-caster. Can be used over long distances.

2.       Aguamenti - This charm causes a stream of water to sprout from the end of the spell-caster's wand.

3.       Alohomora - With this spell the caster can open locked doors and windows. Especially effective against doors locked with the colloportus spell.

4.       Anapneo - A charm that eliminates any blockage within a person's airway allowing them to breathe.

5.       Aparecium - A revealing charm used to turn invisible ink visible again.

6.       Apparate - Allows a witch or wizard to appear out of thin air at will.

7.       Avada Kedavra - One of the Unforgivable Curses, this spell will kill a person instantaneously as long as the spell-caster is sincere when casting it. It is known as the Killing Curse.

8.       Avis - A charm used to conjure a flock of birds

9.       Babbling Curse - Causes the victim to speak incoherently.

10. Banishing Charm - This charm works the opposite of the summoning charm, causing an object to be removed from the spell-caster's presence.

11. Colloportus - A charm to magically seal doors. This charm can be easily broken by 'alohomora'.

12. Concealment Charm - A charm used to conceal an object from the naked eye.

13. Confundus Charm - This charm is used to confuse the victim and make them easy to influence by the spell-caster.

14. Conjunctivitis Curse - A charm aimed at the eyes, it causes pain to the victim as their eyelids close and crust over rendering the victim blind.

15. Crucio Curse - One of the Unforgivable Curses. This spell causes severe pain within the victim as long as the spell-caster is sincere when casting it. The effects of the cruciatus curse are enough to drive a person to insanity.
16. Cushioning Charm - Used commonly on broomsticks to create an invisible, cushioned area for the rider to sit upon.

17. Deletrius - This charm is used to disintegrate, or 'delete', an object.

18. Densaugeo - A charm that will cause the victim's teeth to grow in size.

19. Diffindo - A severing charm, used to split an object apart.

20. Disapparate - Allows a witch or wizard to disappear into thin air at will.

21. Dissendium - A spell that will reveal a secret passageway.

22. Drought Charm - This charm will dry up bodies of water when cast.

23. Engorgio - An engorgement charm. Useful in causing an object to grow in size.

24. Ennervate - A reviving charm that will return an individual to their normal state.

25. Episkey - A healing charm that works well on broken bones.

26. Evanesco - This vanishing charm makes objects disappear.

27. Expecto Patronum - The Patronus Charm is used as a defense against dementors. When used, the spell-caster conjures a patronus that will ward off dementors.

28. Expelliarumus - A disarming charm that will cause its victim's wand to fly out of their hands.

29. Ferula - This charm can produce bandages and slings for the wounded wizard.

30. Fidelius Charm - A powerful charm that conceals a secret. The secret is known only to the Secret-Keeper and cannot be found out by anyone else unless told to by the Secret-Keeper.

31. Finite Incantatem - This spell is used to eliminate the effects of any other spell cast.

32. Flagrate - A marking charm. With this charm, the spell-caster and use his wand to draw fiery marks in the air.

33. Flame Freezing Charm - This charm was commonly used by witches being burned at the stake, it allowed them to remain untouched by the fire.

34. Furnunculus - The victim of this charm will find themselves covered in boils.

35. Homorphus Charm - This charm will force a werewolf to return to its original human state.

36. Hover Charm - A charm used to levitate an object and float it in the direction of choice.

37. Immobulus - A freezing charm used to stop an object from moving.

38. Impedimenta - This charm will slow down and obstruct attackers.

39. Imperius Curse - One of the Unforgivable Curses. The imperius curse gives the spell-caster complete control over their victim.

40. Imperturbable Charm - With this charm a barrier is created that allows nothing to cross. This includes people, objects and sounds.

41. Impervious - This is a water repelling charm that makes an object resistant to water.

42. Incarcerous - A charm used to bind the victim with ropes.

43. Incendio - A fire charm that can be used to ignite fires.

44. Jelly-Legs Jinx - With this charm the victim's legs will shake uncontrollably.

45. Langlock - A charm that renders the victim speechless by causing their tongue to stick to the roof of their mouth.

46. Levicorpus - This charm will raise the victim up by its ankle and dangle them in mid air.

47. Liberacorpus - A counter-charm for levicorpus, this charm releases a person from being suspended in mid air.

48. Locomotor - A motion charm that allows objects to be moved through the air.

49. Locomotor Mortis - This is the Leg-Locker Curse. The charm will cause the victim's legs to lock together making them unable to walk.

50. Lumos - When spoken, this spell produces a light at the end of the spell-caster's wand. Useful in illuminating dark places.

51. Mobilarbus - This spell makes immovable objects movable.

52. Mobilicorpus - A charm used to move individuals who can't walk, such as an unconscious witch or wizard.

53. Morsmordre - A charm that conjures the Dark Mark. This is used only by Death Eaters and is a signal to show where a death has occurred.

54. Muffliato - This charm will allow the spell-caster to speak without being heard by filling the ears of others around them with a buzzing noise.

55. Nox - A charm to cancel out lumos. Removes the light from the spell-caster's wand.

56. Obliviate - This is a memory charm useful in erasing, or modifying, a person's memory.

57. Orchideous - A charm that causes flowers to bloom from the end of the spell-caster's wand.

58. Oppungo - With this charm the spell-caster can command something to attack a specific target.

59. Peskipiksi Pesternomi - A charm that supposedly gets rid of Cornish Pixies.

60. Petrificus Totalus - The petrifying charm. With this charm the victim is unable to move or speak for a period of time.

61. Point Me - Allows the wand to act like a compass. When the wand is placed in the spell-caster's hand, speaking the spell will cause the wand to point due north.

62. Portus - The charm used for turning an object into a portkey.

63. Prior Incantato - This is a charm that will reveal the last spell cast by a specific wand.

64. Protean Charm - A charm that will cause multiple items to change even when the charm is only cast on one item.

65. Protego - A shield charm that can be used to repel harmful charms.

66. Quietus - This charm will cancel the effects of sonorous, bringing a person's voice back to its normal state.

67. Reducio - A shrinking charm causing any object to reduce it's size.

68. Reducto - This is the reductor curse, it will blast apart a solid object.

69. Relashio - A charm to produce a stream of sparks from the spell-caster's wand. If cast underwater the spell causing boiling water to stream from the spell-caster's wand.

70. Rennervate - A charm to revive an unconscious person.

71. Reparo - The repairing charm. Useful at restoring any object to its original state.

72. Rictusempra - A charm used to tickle a victim senseless.

73. Riddikulus - An effective charm to use while facing a boggart. This charm will cause the boggart to turn into a creature or object that is the opposite of frightening.

74. Scourgify - A spell used to clean an object.

75. Sectumsempra - A curse for those you don't like, it causes the victim to develop deep and painful cuts all over their body.

76. Serpensortia - This charm will produce a snake from the spell-caster's wand.

77. Silencio - The victim of this charm loses all ability to make sound of any kind.

78. Sonorous - When this charm is cast upon someone's throat, their voice will magnify to carry over a large crowd.

79. Specialis Revelio - A revealing charm that will show anything hidden by magic.

80. Stupefy - This charm is useful in knocking a victim unconscious with a bolt of red light.

81. Tarantallegra - A charm that will cause the victim's legs to dance rapidly.

82. Tergeo - Another cleaning charm, useful in cleaning blood.

83. Unbreakable Charm - A charm used on an object to make it unbreakable.

84. Unbreakable Vow - A spell to create a magical pact between two people. The vow is so binding that if one person should break it, death will incur.

85. Waddiwasi - A charm that lets the spell-caster fly an object at high speed to wherever they want it to go.

86. Wingardium Leviosa - This charm allows the spell-caster to levitate an object and navigate it through the air.

Coming UP is how to create Shields.